accurately hit moving targets 意味

  • 移動標的{いどう ひょうてき}に正確{せいかく}に命中{めいちゅう}させる


        hit a moving target:    移動{いどう}する標的{ひょうてき}を射止める{いとめる}
        put someone on a hit list of celebrity targets:    有名人{ゆうめいじん}攻撃{こうげき}[暗殺{あんさつ}]対象者{たいしょうしゃ}リストに(人)の名を載せる
        accurately:    accurately 正々 正正 せいせい きちんと 正々と 正正と せいせいと
        moving:     moving adj. 感動的な. 【副詞】 He found the occasion deeply moving. その行事に深く感動した an intensely moving performance of Hamlet ものすごく感動的なハムレットの公演 the most moving moment in the play その劇の初めから終わ
        to be moving:    to be moving 出回る でまわる
        accurately correspond to:    ~と正確{せいかく}に符合{ふごう}する
        accurately defined:    {形} :
        accurately diluted:    {形} :
        accurately measured:    {形} :
        accurately pinpointed:    《be ~》正確{せいかく}に示される
        accurately-defined:    {形} : 正確{せいかく}に定義{ていぎ}づけられた
        accurately-diluted:    {形} : 正確{せいかく}に希釈{きしゃく}された
        accurately-measured:    {形} : 正確{せいかく}に測った[測定{そくてい}した]
        calculate accurately:    正確{せいかく}に判断{はんだん}する
        measure accurately:    正確{せいかく}に測る


  1. "accurately gauge financial health" 意味
  2. "accurately gauge the pulse of public opinion" 意味
  3. "accurately gauge the situation of" 意味
  4. "accurately grasp the concrete details of transactions" 意味
  5. "accurately grasp the point of view of the author" 意味
  6. "accurately measure two halves" 意味
  7. "accurately measured" 意味
  8. "accurately pinpointed" 意味
  9. "accurately portray the life-style of today's young people" 意味
  10. "accurately grasp the concrete details of transactions" 意味
  11. "accurately grasp the point of view of the author" 意味
  12. "accurately measure two halves" 意味
  13. "accurately measured" 意味

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